4 Beauty Myths We Still Believe In

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4 Beauty Myths We Still Believe In

List of content:

  1. Cosmetics with SPF Provide Complete Sun Protection
  2. Using a Large Amount of Product Yields Better Results
  3. If a Product Doesn't Cause an Allergic Reaction Immediately, It Never Will
  4. Cosmetics Can "Close" Pores

Cosmetics are an integral part of our daily lives, and each of us uses them to varying degrees. However, in the beauty world, many pieces of information aren't always true. Beauty myths can lead to unconscious mistakes in skincare, sometimes with negative consequences for our skin. That's why it's crucial to debunk these myths and make informed choices.

Cosmetics with SPF Provide Complete Sun Protection

Nowadays, many cosmetics – from foundations, through lip balms, to moisturizing creams – contain SPF. While they offer a certain level of sun protection, believing that they fully protect our skin is a mistake.

SPF, which stands for Sun Protection Factor, indicates how effectively a product protects the skin from UVB radiation. However, there are several reasons to use additional sun protection, even if we use cosmetics with SPF. Firstly, many people do not apply enough product to get the full benefits of SPF protection. Secondly, cosmetics with sunblock do not always protect against UVA radiation or do so inadequately, which accelerates the skin's aging process and can also contribute to the development of skin cancer.

Additionally, cosmetics, even with high SPF, can quickly wear off, be washed away by sweat, or fade due to skin friction. Therefore, if we plan to spend more time in the sun, it's worth investing in a specialized sunscreen and applying it regularly and use additional sun protection.

Using a Large Amount of Product Yields Better Results

Many of us believe that more means better, especially when it comes to cosmetics. However, in reality, excessive amounts of a product not only do not produce better results but can also be harmful to the skin.

Firstly, using too much product can lead to clogged pores, which in turn can result in skin imperfections such as pimples or blackheads. Moreover, some products, especially those with active ingredients, can irritate the skin if used in excessive amounts.

The key is to use the right amount of product, appropriate to the type and purpose of the cosmetic. For instance, for the face, usually, a pea-sized dab of cream is sufficient, whereas for the body, one might use a bit more. For products like serums or essences, a few drops typically suffice to cover the entire face.

While it may seem that using more of a product will expedite achieving the desired effects, the truth is that the skin can only absorb a certain amount of ingredients at once. Therefore, it's better to focus on consistency and regularity of application rather than quantity.

If a Product Doesn't Cause an Allergic Reaction Immediately, It Never Will

Upon first contact with a new cosmetic product, many people are pleased to note the absence of an immediate allergic reaction. However, a lack of immediate sensitivity doesn't guarantee that the product won't cause an allergy later on.

Allergic reactions to cosmetics are typically triggered by certain ingredients that can act as allergens. These reactions, also known as contact dermatitis, are caused by the immune system reacting to foreign substances. The first exposure to an allergen usually doesn't result in an immediate reaction. Instead, the skin becomes sensitized to that particular substance. Only upon subsequent contact with the same allergen might the skin react, manifesting as itching, redness, or even blisters.

This is why some reactions might only appear after several days, weeks, or even months of regular product usage. In many instances, people don't associate these symptoms with a specific cosmetic, assuming the issue would have arisen immediately. Moreover, even if we've successfully used a cosmetic for years, we can develop an allergy over time.

It's essential to be aware that even if a product is labeled as "natural" or "safe for sensitive skin", it can still contain potential allergens. The best approach is to gradually introduce new products into one's skincare routine and observe how the skin reacts. If any signs of an allergic reaction arise, it's wise to discontinue the product's use and consult with a dermatologist.

Cosmetics Can "Close" Pores

Although the term "closing pores" is commonly used in cosmetic product advertisements, the truth is that pores don't operate like doors that can be opened or shut. To understand this myth, it's crucial to delve into the function and structure of pores.

Pores are small openings in the skin through which sebum - a natural oil produced by our skin - is secreted. They also play a crucial role in the sweating process. Pores can enlarge due to blockages from excessive sebum, dead skin cells, or as a result of the aging process. Although we can't literally "close" pores, we can minimize their appearance.

Matifying products work by absorbing excess sebum on the skin's surface, providing a smooth and matte complexion. Meanwhile, filling products, such as makeup primers, create a smooth layer on the skin, visually "filling" pores, making them less noticeable. However, this effect is temporary. Ingredients like niacinamide, by regulating the sebaceous glands' activity, can give the effect of tightening the pores, thus evening out the skin's texture. You can find niacinamide in our lightweight moisturizing cream, which is also excellent for oily skin types. Due to its light consistency, it absorbs wonderfully while restoring optimal moisture without being heavy. Its action is boosted with green tea extract and hyaluronic acid.

Long-term reduction in pore appearance can be achieved with regular skin cleansing, exfoliation, and the use of products containing acids that help regulate sebum production and rejuvenate the skin. However, no cosmetic will "close" pores permanently - the key lies in proper skincare and the use of appropriate products to help control and minimize their visibility.

In the world of cosmetics, many myths can be misleading. It's essential to remember that more doesn't always mean better, and cosmetics with SPF don't offer complete sun protection. Also, pores can't be "closed", and allergic reactions can be delayed. Thus, it's vital to rely on verified information and use cosmetics conscientiously. Remember, our skin deserves attentive care based on knowledge, not myths.


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